Haulage facing the future


Haulage facing the future

The Road Haulage Association has launched a number of initiatives aimed at preparing for the future of road transport in the face of environmental protection needs.

The Net Zero Forum will bring together members, industry experts, policymakers, and environmental organisations to collectively produce industry’s roadmap to Net Zero.

It will share information on technology advances, best practice and research into sustainable transport.

Among the goals for improving road transport are reducing levels of nitrogen oxides to within the legal limit of 40 nanograms per cubic metre. This is a target set by government for all road vehicles.

In terms of CO2 emissions, the Government’s long-term goal is to phase out petrol and diesel vehicles

The RHA will also be holding a Forum for the Future in Birmingham in September.

It will “bring together more than 20 key figures speakers from industry, government and aligned sectors”.

The aim is to make the industry fit for the future and to help haulage companies find ways to make their business fit for the future.

Secure parking for lorry drivers is critical


Secure parking for lorry drivers is critical

A new government report reveals that lorry parking availability is at a ‘critical’ level.

It found that demand for secure overnight parking is at 99 in the East of England, and at 87% nationally.

Facilities such as rest rooms and toilets have also long been a topic of concern to drivers.

The RHA (Road Haulage Association) has called on ministers to work with the industry to improve the situation.

It wants to see a national facilities taskforce, formed of government officials – both national and local – trade associations and industry representatives to tackle the situation.

RHA MD Richard Smith said: “We’ve long pushed for more, better and safer roadside facilities. Drivers deserve them and developers want to build them, so now’s the time to bring the right people together to make it happen.”

Heavy vehicle testing review Have your say


Heavy vehicle testing review Have your say

The RHA has just issued this notification:

The Department for Transport (DfT) is consulting on making changes to the HGV roadworthiness test requirements which, should the proposals go ahead, would apply to Earned Recognition operators only. This follows a DfT review last year on whether it was worth changing the way tests are currently conducted for Earned Recognition operators.

The consultation covers four possible options:

1) to increase the time between tests

2) to allow delegated testing

3) to reduce the test content

4) to improve the service DVSA provides to Earned Recognition operators to minimise testing burdens

The RHA intends to respond to the DfT consultation in the following manner:

The RHA’s supports the principles of delegated testing and increased time between tests, and that these should be extended to include operators who score “green” under DVSA’s Operator Compliance Risk Score system. However, the RHA believes it would be best to trial the increased time between tests, so that potential safety issues can be addressed.

Furthermore, the RHA does not support the reduction of test content on safety grounds. Regarding the final option, the RHA’s stance is that all operators should be treated equally by DVSA in terms of the service provision given.

If you would like to feed through comments to inform the RHA’s response, then please send them to RHA Policy Lead – Environment and Vehicles Chris Ashley via [email protected] by 31 May 2023.

If you would like to respond to the DfT consultation directly, you can do so here. The deadline for responses is 11.45pm on 9 June 2023.

Truckfest Peterborough

Truckfest Peterborough

Truckfest Peterborough

We will be at Peterborough with our trucks in all their glory for the Truckfest event on April 30 and May 1.

This is the first Truckfest of the year’s calendar so why not come along and see us at the Est of England showground.

Visitor parking is free and available on site. Limited disabled parking spaces are also allocated, please display your blue badge on arrival to the show.

Among the entertainments will be:

  • Monster Truck Car Crushing Action. See the mighty Swamp Thing and Slingshot in action.
  • Broke FMX. …
  • Slingshot Ride Truck. …
  • Lots of trucks on display! …
  • Owaysis…
  • Twist of Rock. …
  • Sound Injectors. …
  •  Gladness

Why not come along and say hello?

Tom’s fundraiser for cancer research


Tom’s fundraiser for cancer research

Tom Steward is taking part in the Easter 50 Ultra challenge on the 1st April in memory of his dad, Tick, who died last year.

He will be raising money for Cancer Research UK.

The Easter 50 challenge is based at its Windsor Racecourse base camp.

Around 1500 adventurers are expected to follow the 50 Km route through the Great Park with fantastic views of the Castle, on to Runnymede, along the Thames Path, and takes in some wonderful countryside. Participants get full support all the way, a few post Easter surprises, a celebration finish at base camp, and a hot meal.

To donate go to Tom’s Just Giving page here:


RHA news update


RHA news update

The RHA (Road Haulage Association) has welcomed the news that the proposed EES (Entry and Exit System) for the EU has been delayed.

Due to come into force this May, it has now been put back until the end of the year to give haulage companies time to prepare.

The system would have required non-EU citizens to be fingerprinted and photographed potentially causing significant delays at ports.

In other news the RHA has a benevolent fund to help those associated with the haulage industry who are experiencing hard times in the current economic crisis.

In the past it has helped with:

  • Buying food, clothing and white goods.
  • Help towards outstanding bills and priority debt such as mortgage or rental arrears.
  • Funding for training – redundant drivers can apply for a free Driver CPC or driver medical to help them return to work.
  • Much-needed aid equipment, such as wet rooms, wheelchairs, specialist beds, etc.
  • Essential home improvements.
  • Travel expenses for hospital visits.

There is more information on how to apply on the RHA website or call 01733 856615

The RHA continues to campaign on behalf of the haulage industry


The RHA continues to campaign on behalf of the haulage industry

Reacting to the Chancellor’s recent Autumn Statement, the RHA (Road Haulage Association) has pointed out that our haulage businesses are “facing near-record high inflation, energy costs and fuel prices in the midst of an economic crisis”.

It said: “Costs for road transport businesses have increased by over 11% in recent months with fuel alone up by nearly 40%.

“These increased costs have a direct impact on the prices on our shelves, as businesses have little choice but to pass them on to the consumer.”

The organisation’s MD Richard Smith was disappointed that there had been no action to reduce fuel duty nor any mention of the RHA’s proposed Essential User Rebate.

While welcoming the energy support package that will last until April 2023 the RHA has promised to work with the Government on its review of the scheme to try and ensure the best deal possible for its members in the Spring 2023 budget.

Fuel prices are climbing dramatically


Fuel prices are climbing dramatically

Our fuel prices have risen by 15p per litre in the last two weeks.

But we are not alone.

According to the Road Haulage Association (RHA) following a meeting with the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Road Haulage & Logistics its chairman MP Greg Smith said fuel costs are “the most urgent issue facing road haulage”.

Add in the costs of regular vehicle servicing and price pressure is growing.

RHA executive director of policy and public affairs, Rod McKenzie, said: “Our members have seen operating costs increase 17% for an HGV – it costs an extra £20,000 per year just to fuel one truck…we must reduce the tax burdens on our sector and address our skills shortage which otherwise will hinder UK growth”.

Research National Lorry Week


Research National Lorry Week


From 24 to 30 October, the Road Haulage Association will be holding its eighth National Lorry Week.

As part of the campaign, the association will set out on a month-long roadshow kicking off in Peterborough on October 3, before travelling across England, Scotland and Northern Ireland to celebrate the role and importance of the UK’s road transport.

You can get involved and follow daily progress of the National Lorry Week roadshow on social media using the hashtag #NationalLorryWeek. To find out more, visit: www.nationallorryweek.co.uk

The logistics industry plays an essential role in our everyday lives, but its efficiency and success – more than 85% of all goods bought in the UK get from A to B on the back of a lorry – is often overlooked. During the Covid-19 crisis, the nation was quick to acknowledge the key role that logistics workers play in the ongoing health of the economy, however as businesses reopen and normality returns, it’s important that the industry and its workers remain ‘key’ in the eyes of the public.

National Lorry Week is the RHA’s annual campaign to champion the industry and shines a light on the businesses and individuals who work tirelessly to keep our nation moving.

During the roadshow, the RHA will spotlight success stories and hear from the industry’s voices to champion logistics as an innovative, inclusive and sustainable industry full of amazing opportunities, particularly for young people and those seeking a new career. National Lorry Week will also showcase the great work that is being done to shape the future of road transport; from recruiting new talent, adopting new technology and improving standards.

The tour will see the National Lorry Week-branded DAF lorry visiting cities across the UK to celebrate alongside RHA members, industry partners and education facilities, as well as meeting with government, policy makers and stakeholders to discuss the importance of the industry.

Commenting, RHA Managing Director, Richard Smith, said: “The UKs logistics industry is the lifeblood of the nation’s economy. Just look around you. Everything you see has at some point been handled by logistics professionals – from producer, to warehouse operative, to distributor, to delivery driver and, in most cases, to store shelf.

“People in our industry have shown great resilience over the last couple of years in the face of huge challenges; from Brexit and the pandemic to driver shortages, and most notably, this year’s fuel crisis, and with Christmas just around the corner, it’s likely we’ll face even greater challenges. National Lorry Week is our opportunity to celebrate them and the great work they do.”

This year’s campaign is supported by a number of industry organisations and sponsors, including Backhouse Jones, Michelin, D4Drivers, DAF, Digihaul, Driver Hire Nationwide, Fuelcard Company, Michelin, Michelin Connected Fleet, RHA Insurance Services, SNAP, Transaid and Tructyre.