Life goes on and a big thank you


Life goes on and a big thank you

We would like to thank everyone for their messages and support following Tick’s untimely death.

Life, and the business goes on under the guidance of Helen, Harry and Tom.

Fortunately, our two main ports for business are Harwich and Felixstowe, so we don’t have to deal with the “delights” of Dover!

Not even the recent extreme hot weather, supply chain issues and fuel price rises prevent us from delivering what our customers need, when they need it.

The last couple of months have been particularly busy for moving containers, for studio working and for buying and selling them. Long may it continue!

Do get in touch if we can help you and your business.

It’s the season for truck fests


It’s the season for truck fests

We spent the weekend of 11 and 12 June in Ipswich at the Suffolk Foxfest held at the Foxhall Stadium.

We were delighted that our two trucks won several awards:


1st Best Volvo


1st in Show

1st in 2005 and older

2nd in Best Restored

1st in the Leggett Memorial

Foxfest is a charity truck show supporting Poppies Care Farm.

It was open to the public at 1600 Saturday with the truck light show and live music on stage till 2200 then open again on the Sunday at 1000am for more entertainment on stage as well as children’s entertainment including bouncy castles and for the trophy presentation for the trucks.

Peterborough Truckfest


We had a great time at the Peterborough Truckfest

This annual event at the East of England showground in Peterborough is one that we have never failed to attend.

The organisers even managed to hold it every year despite the disruption caused by Covid.

There were trucks of all shapes and sizes including American rigs, customised trucks, emergency vehicles & vintage trucks.

In addition to the displays of all kinds of trucks and competitions for the best presented, there were many events to entertain visitors.

They included Monster Car Crushing Action with the Swamp Thing, Freestyle motocross riders performing tricks and rides on the Slingshot truck.

It was a great day out for everyone whether they were connected to the haulage industry or not.

Fuel price increases are not good for businesses


Fuel price increases are not good for businesses

The Haulage industry is particularly vulnerable to the rise in the price of fuel and we are no exception.

So far, however, we have been able to absorb the costs without passing them on to our customers, but we have to warn them that it is not a situation that can be sustained indefinitely.

The Road Haulage Association (RHA) has been campaigning hard on behalf of the industry in the run-up to the Spring budget statement, asking as many people as possible to write to their MPs.

It wants the Chancellor to do three things in relation to fuel prices:

  • Freeze fuel duty for diesel for a further two years.
  • Introduce an essential-user rebate for lorry and coach operators.
  • Introduce a 12-month delay to the red diesel rule changes with a phased introduction

The more people join the campaign the greater chance that the haulage industry can keep its prices down for its customers.

Shortages? What shortages?


Shortages? What shortages?

We have been working hard throughout the weeks to get supplies to retailers who need them.

The signs are that supermarkets are not expecting the severe shortage of seasonal foods that they were expecting earlier and certainly retailers in the East of England have been reporting that they have been able to fill the gaps in their shelves.

Hopefully, there will be no more hold-ups or bottlenecks but you can be sure we are out there every day making sure orders get to the businesses that need them.

Celebrate Road Haulage


Celebrate Road Haulage

Every year our industry body the Road Haulage Association runs a week of activities to celebrate the work we do.

This year National Lorry Week is from October 25 to 31 and the RHA has as usual been putting on lots of events, competitions and information sessions to highlight the range of jobs that make up the logistics industry.

It has never been more necessary given the lorry driver shortage to encourage young people into thinking of a career in the industry.

Meanwhile, we, like all those already in the business, continue to work hard to deliver all our services to our clients and fortunately are experiencing no hold-ups at ports, despite all the publicity in the media. 

It is important, however, that our customers makes sure all their paperwork is in order since they are responsible for the contents of the containers we deliver.

Clean Air Zones are being adopted by towns and cities throughout the UK


Clean Air Zones are being adopted by towns and cities throughout the UK

In ongoing efforts to clean up the air and the environment many places have, or are intending to, introduced limitations on vehicles entering their centres.

This has become especially an issue for haulage companies, where the latest rules mean all vehicles must have Euro VI engines to gain access.

In London, for example, where there is a Low Emissions Zone (LEZ) there is a charge of £100 per vehicle over 12 tonnes for anywhere inside the M25 that do not have Euro VI.

But among those cities and towns that are following suit are Birmingham, Leeds, Bradford, Bristol and Bath.

Brighton is expected to follow suit by 2023, while Cambridge is contemplating the move, though has yet to announce a date.

Cardiff, Aberdeen, Derby, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle and Manchester are reported to have plans in the pipeline or imminent.

Many are also likely to introduce charges for access, which will increase the price of deliveries into their centres.

We’re hiring!


We’re hiring!

Not surprisingly, we have been extremely busy for some time with deliveries to supermarkets, construction sites and elsewhere.

Now, we are hoping to take on another HGV driver.

If you are HGV qualified but left the industry now might be a good time to return as the shortage of drivers has improved driver conditions and pay significantly.

Interested? Why not give us a call and talk through what we can offer.

More on the ongoing HGV Driver shortage


More on the ongoing HGV Driver shortage

The headlines have continued to be full of stories about the ongoing shortage of HGV drivers and the possibility that there will be shortages of all sorts of goods in the supermarkets.

We would like to reassure our customers that not only do we have enough fully-qualified drivers, we have continued to meet our commitments to customers.

Among the suggestions that have been put forward by the RHA (Road Haulage Association) and the Government have been shortening and simplifying the lengthy and complex HGV training process in the UK.

This is being looked at but, as the RHA has pointed out, it is not going to be a short term solution.

Another suggestion, of including a short-term visa option for overseas HGV drivers, but the Home Office has apparently ruled this out.

The RHA had asked that drivers be added to the so-called Shortage Occupations list, allowing them to qualify for a skilled worker visa.

One option that has been introduced has been extending the time HGV drivers can spend driving. The transport Secretary Grant Schapps announced this temporary measure on July 12.

However, on July 20 RHA said the crisis is so great it needs immediate short-term measures allowing the industry to work towards the longer-term fixes.

RHA Chief Executive, Richard Burnett said, “This is a step in the right direction long-term, but it doesn’t address the critical short-term issues we’re facing. The problem is immediate, and we need to have access to drivers from overseas on short-term visas. The idea to simplify training and speed up testing is welcome; along with encouraging recruitment it will only improve things in a year or two’s time.”